Human CD56 is an adhesion molecule from the Ig superfamily which is restricted to NK cells in the immune system. It is believed that NK cells form a first line of defense against tumor cells and cells infected with bacteria and viruses. Antibody ERIC-1 recognizes a stem region epitope of the CD56 molecule(4).
Isotype: Murine IgG1 kappa
Immunogen: Human retinoblastoma tumor tissue, membrane fraction (1)
Specificity: Antibody ERIC-1 recognizes the CD56 molecule found on NK cells.
1) S.P. Bourne, et al, (1991) J Neuro-Oncol 10: 111-119.
2) T.L. Whiteside and R.B. Herberman, (1994) Clinical & Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology 1: 125-133.
3) H. Spits, et al, (1995) Blood 85: 2654-2670.
4) R. Gerardy-Schahn, M Eckhardt, (1994) Int J Cancer: Supp 8: 38-42.