Human CD44 molecules appear to serve as lymphocyte adhesion molecules with numerous functions in extracellular matrix binding, cell migration, hemopoisis, and lymphocyte homing (3).
Isotype: Murine IgG1k
Immunogen: Human peripheral myeloma cells
Specificity: Antibody BU52 recognizes epitope 1 of the CD44 molecule (2). BU52 is effective for Immunoprecipitation and Immunoblot (6).
1. Leukocyte Typing IV (W. Knapp, et al, eds.) Oxford University Press, Oxford, (1989) p. 619-627.
2. D.J. Anstee, et al, (1991) Immunology 74: 197-205.
3. B.F. Hynes, et al, (1993) Adv Immunol 54: 271-335.
4. H.X. Liao, et al, (1995) J Immunol 155: 3938-3945.
5. BL Rothman, TM Aune et al,(1991)J Immunol 147(8): 2493-2499
6. Takahashi E, S Hideyuki, et al (2009) JBC 285: 4060-4073.