Human CD19 is a B cell restricted membrane protein expressed from early stages of B cell development and associates with the antigen receptor complex (1). CD19 is involved in the regulation of B cell proliferation but eventually disappears from plasma cells.
Isotype: Murine IgG1
Immunogen: Human EB-4 Burkitt lymphoma cell line
Specificity: Antibody BU12 recognizes the CD19 molecule of about 95 kd (2).
Functional Application: Antibody BU12 induces adhesion of B cells (3).
1. D.T. Fearon & R.H. Carter, (1995) Annu Rev Immunol 13: 127-149.
2. Leukocyte Typing V (S.F. Schlossman, et al, eds.) Oxford University Press, Oxford, (1995) p. 507-511.
3. S. Behr & F. Schriever, (1995) J Exp Med 182: 1191-1199.
4. G.S. Ingle, et al (2008) Br J Haematol 140(1): 46-58.