The human CD3/T cell receptor (TcR) complex is made up of at least five CD3 proteins (gamma, delta, epsilon, h, z) in association with either alpha/beta or gamma/delta proteins of the TcR (2). The TcR recognizes antigens in association with MHC molecules after which protein chains of the CD3 complex mediate activation signals triggered by TcR antigen binding. CD3 is expressed on greater than 95% of circulating human peripheral T cells. e.
Isotype: Murine IgG1
Immunogen: Human thymocytes/Sezary T cells
Specificity: Antibody UCHT1 recognizes the 20 kd epsilon chain (3) of the CD3 molecule complex (1, 2).
Functional Application: Antibody UCHT1 will activate T cells expressing CD3(6)
1. P.C.L. Beverly & R.E. Callard, (1981) Eur J Immunol 11: 329-334.
2. Leukocyte Typing IV (W. Knapp, et al, eds.) Oxford University Press, Oxford, (1989) p. 290-314.
3. A. Salmeron, et al, (1991) J Immunol 147: 3047-3052.
4. G. Thibault & P. Bardos, (1995) J Immunol 154: 3814-3820.
5. VanDongen JJ, C Terhorst, et al. (1988) Blood 71(3):603-12.
6. S Velasquez. CM Alvarez, et al. (2016) Human Immunol 77(5): 403-410. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.humimm.2016.03.004