Human CD166 is a type 1 glycoprotein expressed on activated T cells, B cells and monocytes and appears to be the ligand for CD6 (1,2). Human CD166 may be important for activation of T cells.
Isotype: Murine IgG1
Immunogen: Human thymic epithelial cells
Specificity: Antibody 3A6 recognizes the CD166 molecule of 100 kd. It is cross reactive with bovine CD166 (8).
Functional Application: Antibody 3A6 blocks binding of CD6 to CD166. Antibody 3A6 has been used to identify mesenchymal progenitor cells populations (5,6).
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5. K Richardson, I.M. Khan, C.W. Archer (2006) Eur Cell & Materials 12 (suppl 1): 70.
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7. O Ozbey, I Ustunel, et al. (2014) Acta Histochem 116(5): 763-70.
8. A Konno, W C Davis, et al. (2001) J Leuk Biol 69: 944-950.