Human CD15 is expressed by neutrophils, eosinophils and monocytes. Antibodies in this cluster recognize a common terminal pentasaccharide found on cell surface glycoproteins and glycolipids.
Isotype: Murine IgM
Immunogen: Human neutrophils
Specificity: Antibody AHN1.1 reacts with an extracellular epitope of the human terminal pentasaccharide lacto-N-fucopentaose III known as Lewis X (1, 3).
Functional Application: Antibody AHN1.1 activates normal monocytes and inhibits neutrophil chemotaxis.
1. Leukocyte Typing IV (W. Knapp, et al, eds.) Oxford University Press, Oxford, (1989)p. 798-810.
2. M.A. Kerr & S.C. Stocks, (1992) Histochem J 24: 811-826.
3. Leukocyte Typing V (S.F. Schlossman, et al, eds.) Oxford University Press, Oxford, (1995) p. 790-800.