Human CD122 (IL-2 R beta) associates with CD25 (IL-2R alpha) to form a high affinity receptor for IL-2 and is expressed on activated T cells, B cells and monocytes (3). The cytoplasmic domain of CD122 is involved with signal transduction (2).
Isotype: Murine IgG2a kappa
Immunogen: YT-1 acute human leukemia cells
Specificity: Antibody 9A2 is specific for the 75 kd b subunit CD122 of the human high affinity interleukin-2 receptor.
Functional Application: Antibody 9A2 (DU-2) inhibits binding of IL-2 to IL-2R beta (CD122) (1).
1. M.R. Fung, et al, (1991) J Immunol 147: 1253-1260.
2. M.A. Goldsmith, et al, (1994) J Biol Chem 269: 14698-14704.
3. Leukocyte Typing V (S.F. Schlossman, et al, eds.) Oxford University Press, Oxford, (1995) p. 1858.
4. Yamaoka K, T Hiroi, et al.(May 2012) Genes to Cells 17: 611-618. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2443.2012.01610.x