INFORMATION: Human CD123 (Interleukin 3 Receptor alpha) is a 70kD type I transmembrane molecule, and is the low affinity receptor for the cytokine IL-3, which can stimulate proliferation or differentiation. When paired in a heterodimer with CD131 (IL-3 R beta), it binds IL-3 with much higher affinity. CD123 is found on Myeloid precusors, Stem cells, a subset of T cells, some B cells Megakaryocytes, basophils, monocytes and epithelial cells. CD123 is present at high levels on many hematologic malignancies and antibodies(2) and CAR T cells(1) against CD123 have been used successfully to combat Acute Myeloid Leukemia.
Molecular Structure: A soluble molecule consisting of the extracellular domain of mature human CD123 fused to murine IgG2a Fc.
Mature CD123(EC) (307 aa): tkedpnppitnlrmkakaqqltwdlnrnvtdiecvkdadysmpavnnsycqfgaislcevtnytvrvanppfstwilfpensgkpwagaenltcwihdvdflscswavgpgapadvqydlylnvanrrqqyeclhyktdaqgtrigcrfddisrlssgsqsshilvrgrsaafgipctdkfvvfsqieiltppnmtakcnkthsfmhwkmrshfnrkfryelqiqkrmqpviteqvrdrtsfqllnpgtytvqirarervyeflsawstpqrfecdqeegantrawrtsllialgtllalvcvfvic
Linking amino acids (2aa): gt
Murine IgG2aFc (233aa): eprgptikpcppckcpapnllggpsvfifppkikdvlmislspivtcvvvdvseddpdvqiswfvnnvevhtaqtqthredynstlrvvsalpiqhqdwmsgkefkckvnnkdlpapiertiskpkgsvrapqvyvlpppeeemtkkqvtltcmvtdfmpediyvewtnngktelnykntepvldsdgsyfmysklrvekknwvernsyscsvvheglhnhhttksfsrtpgk
Predicted nonglycosylated monomeric weight: 61.6 kd.
Transfectant Cell Line: CHO
1) Pizzitola I, Bonnet D, et al. (2014) Leukemia 28(8): 1596-1605. doi: 10.1038/leu.2014.62
2) Jin L, Lock RB, et al. (2009) Cell Stem Cell 5(1): 31-42. doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2009.04.018.