Human CD86 (B7-2) is a costimulating ligand for CD28 and CTLA-4. CD86 is expressed on activated B cells and blood monocytes (3).
Molecular Structure: A soluble fusion protein consisting of the extracellular (224 aa) domain of human CD86 fused to murine IgG2a Fc. Compared to CD86 reference sequence Genebank #HUMB72A, the following polymorphism is present: I(185)V. Ancell now has three polymorphic variants of CD86-muIg available (see attachment).
CD86 EC (224 aa): (26)lkiqayfnetadlpcqfansqnqslselvvfwqdqenlvlnevylgkekfdsvhskymgrtsfdsdswtlrlhnlqikdkglyqciihhkkptgiirihqinselsvlanfsqpeivpisnitenvyinltcssihgypepkkmsvllrtknstieydgvmqksqdnvtelydvsislsvsfpdvtsnmttfciletdktrllsspfsieledpqpppdhip(247)
+linker (2 aa): gt
Murine IgG2a Fc +Hinge (233 aa): eprgptikpcppckcpapnllggpsvfifppkikdvlmislspivtcvvvdvseddpdvqiswfvnnvevhtaqtqthredynstlrvvsalpiqhqdwmsgkefkckvnnkdlpapiertiskpkgsvrapqvyvlpppeeemtkkqvtltcmvtdfmpediyvewtnngktelnykntepvldsdgsyfmysklrvekknwvernsyscsvvheglhnhhttksfsrtpg
Predicted monomeric molecular weight: 52.2 kd. The molecule is dimeric and runs at about 115 kd in SDS-PAGE under native conditions.
Transfectant Cell Line: CHO
Functional Application:CD86(P2)-muIg fusion protein binds strongly to native and recombinant CD152, and CD28.
1. C. Caux, et al, (1994) J Exp Med 180: 1841-1847.
2.C.B. Thompson, (1995) Cell 81: 979-982.
3. Leukocyte Typing V (S.F. Schlossman, et al, eds.) Oxford University Press, Oxford, (1995) p. 703-705.
4.D. Mauri, et al, (1995) J Immunol 155: 118-127.