Human CD272 (BTLA, B and T Lymphocyte Attenuator) is a member of the Immunoglobulin superfamily and has homology to CD152(CTLA-4). Engagement of BTLA by its co receptor CD270 (HVEM, a TNF superfamily member) can down regulate activated T and B cell responses. BTLA levels on antigen specific CD8+ T cells have been reported to decrease in viral specific, but not melanoma specific activated lines (1).
Recombinant CD272-muIg binds to recombinant HVEM-muIg in EIA.
Ancell has a matched pair of antibodies (cat # 372-020 and 272-030) for capture and detection of CD272 protein in EIA (see attachment).
Molecular Structure: A soluble fusion protein consisting of the muCD8 apha signal peptide residual amino acids+ linker: (1) kpqapelrgs(10)
CD272 mature EC: (11) ipyldiwnihgkescdvqlyikrqsehsilagdpfelecpvkycanrphvtwcklngttcvkledrqtswkeeknisffilhfepvlpndngsyrcsanfqsnli eshsttlyvtdvksaserpskdemasrp(143)
Linker +Murine IgG2a Hinge + Fc : (144) gteprgptikpcppckcpapnllggpsvfifppkikdvlmislspivtcvvvdvseddpdvqiswfvnnvevhtaqtqthredynstlrvvsalpiqhqdwmsgk efkckvnnkdlpapiertiskpkgsvrapqvyvlpppeeemtkkqvtltcmvtdfmpediyvewtnngktelnykntepvldsdgsyfmysklrvekknwverns yscsvvheglhnhhttksfsrtpg(378)
Predicted monomeric (non glycosylated) molecular weight: 43.0 kd. The molecule is dimeric and runs at ~100 kd in SDS-PAGE under native conditions, and ~50kd reduced.
Transfectant Cell Line:CHO
1) Derre’ L, DE Speiser, et al. (2010) J Clin Invest 120(1):157-167.
2) Pasero C,D Olive, et al. (2009) Curr Mol Med 9 (7): 911-927.
3) Gavrieli M, KM Murphy, et al. (2006) Adv Immunol 92: 152-185.