INFORMATION: Human CD155 (Polio Virus Receptor, PVR, Necl-5) is a 70 kd type I Ig superfamily molecule (1).1 It is involved in formation of intracellular junctions between epithelial cells. Its ligands include CD226(DNAM-1), and CD96(TACTILE). CD155 expression by tumor has been shown to be upregulated by Nitric Oxide(2). A soluble version of CD155 has been shown to exist (4). High CD155 expression has recently been exploited to use engineered poliovirus to treat glioblastoma. (3)
Isotype: Mouse IgG1k
Specificity: Antibody ANC2B2 binds to cell surface CD155 on U-937 cells, and binds to recombinant CD155 in EIA.
Antibodies ANC2B2 and ANC6A3 (Catalog # 350-020) each bind to distict epitopes of CD155 and are suitable as a matched pair for sandwich EIA.
1) Medelsohn CL, Racaniello VR, et al. (1989) Cell 56(5): 855-65.
2) C Fionda, M Cippitelli, et al. (2015) BMC Cancer 15(1):17 PMID 25609078.
3) Gromeier M, Bigner D, et al. (2014) Neuro-Oncology 16(supp3): iii41.
4) Baury B, MG Denis, et al. (2003) Biochem Biophys Res Comm 309: 175-82.